Do u know?

  Here is the most AMAZING FACTS,:_

  • India is the world's 2nd largest smartphone market.
  • Since 2010, google is acquiring companies @ avarge of 1 compny per week.
  • The name of the person who created INTERNET is Tim berners lee.
  • Interface manager is the orignal name of WINDOWS.
  • Hyperloop are travel faster then flights . this service is starting in india very soon
  • From 2030 there is only electric cars on the road on mostlt all the countries.
  • Over 250 millions nokia 1100 were sold in the world
  • Ever thought why every IPHONE ad will show the same time 9:41 in their ad, it's because this is the time when steve jobs introduce first iphone.
  • If u invested 100 dollers in BITCOIN in 2010 u would be worth 72 millions now.
  • When facebook aquired INSTAGRAM in about 1 billion, company has only 13 employees.
  • More then entire population of US, internet used by indian peoples.
  • Samsung who make mobile also a full time weapon manufacturer.
  • Computer programming is the one of the fastest growing ocvupation in the world.
  • Porn sites get more visiter then amazon,Netflix nd twitter combained
  • Apple has more cash then the US government.
  • Over 200000 peoples applied for the one way trip of MARS


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