Top 10 facts about EMERALD (पन्ना)
Top facts about Emeralds
- Emerald are one of the top 4 precious stone in the world(like ruby,saphire,and diamond)
- Jaipur is one of the largest Emerald cutting center in the world.
- Emerald is the birthstone for the people born in may.
- Emerald is a gem from Beryl family.
- Emerald get his green colour from impurities in beryl mineral.
- A one carat Emerald looks larger then the one caret Diamond,bcs of his lower density.
- Hardness of Emerald is between 7.5 to 8 on MOHS scale of hardness.
- Colambia produce 50% of the Emerald produced worldwide.
- The oldest Emerald is around 3 billion years old.
- In 1935 the first synthetic Emerald were created .
- top quality Emerald can be worth much valueable then diamond on a per carat basis.
- Mostly the value of the Emerald depanding on the darkness of his colour.
- Emerald are always have some inclusion in it..if it js without any inclusion,it s more likely to be a synthetics version.
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